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University of Mount Union Chapman Hall



加入我们的紫色突袭者大家庭,申请我们的空缺职位,看看我们为什么最近被命名为 Best Small Employer in Ohio by Forbes. 展开下面的选项卡以了解有关大学的更多信息, the Office of Human Resources, our community, and more. Become a Raider today!

  • Mount Union at a Glance

    The University of Mount Union, a private Midwestern institution founded in 1846, 提供以文科传统为基础的严谨和相关的学术课程. Mount Union’s more than 2,100名学生可以从47个基础广泛和职业特定的本科专业以及医师助理研究的硕士课程中进行选择, education with concentrations in athletic coaching, instructional design and technology, educational leadership, Ohio principal licensure, 以及工商管理,专注于商业分析, leadership and innovation, and a doctoral program in physical therapy. 以其卓越的学术成就和个性化的教学方法而闻名, 该机构拥有12:1的师生比例和专业教师提供的课程, 91% of whom hold terminal degrees in their fields. 

    Over the last 15 years, 超过1.2亿美元的投资用于建设和翻新现代化设施,包括一个娱乐中心, apartment-style housing options, a health and medical sciences facility, and a performing arts center. Primarily residential in nature, 山联盟风景如画的123英亩的校园位于联盟, OH (population 23,000), within 80 miles of both Cleveland and Pittsburgh. 162英亩的休斯顿-布伦博自然中心位于6英里外. 该大学的捐赠超过1.41亿美元.

    大学努力使所有金融背景的学生都能获得其特殊的教育体验. 其日益多样化的校园社区受益于以学生为中心的方法和一系列的文化活动, civic, and social development. 学生在毕业后获得成功的机会非常多, both in the workforce and in graduate study.

  • Office of Human Resources

    In keeping with the University's mission statement, 人力资源部肯定了理性的重要性, open inquiry, living faith, and individual worth. 正因如此,人力资源部建立了明确的理念 & decisive link between the University, 大学的威尼斯人app下载和周边社区.
    • University policies
    • Employee Relations
    • Training & development
    • Wage & salary administration​
    • Benefits administration
    • Retirement administration                                                    
  • About the Alliance Area

    Mount Union calls Alliance, Ohio home. With a population of approximately 23,000, 这座城市距离广州不到一小时的路程,地理位置优越, Akron, 和扬斯敦,距离克利夫兰和匹兹堡只有一个半小时的路程.

    虽然安联保持着小镇的魅力,但它是一座不断发展的城市. 最近的增长和发展极大地扩大了城市的产品, and today, 联盟提供了大量的事情要做和地方去.

    Learn more about Alliance, Ohio

  • Employee Benefits
    Fringe Benefits
    Additional benefits are available to faculty, administrators, hourly staff, and full time coaches of the University. 福利包括使用校园健身和图书馆设施, discounts on campus dining, free entrance to campus events, undergraduate education assistance, and more.
    Medical Insurance
    AultCare是该大学的主要医疗服务提供者. 大学提供四种方案设计,包括PPO和HSA方案. 可提供的保险等级为仅员工、员工+配偶、员工+子女和家庭. Aultman Now is available 24/7, 365 days a year for urgent health care needs, and offers OptumRx as our pharmacy provider.
    Dental and Vision Insurance
    Life Insurance
    Mount Union大学提供人寿保险福利, voluntary life insurance, 为所有全职员工提供旅行援助计划.
    TIAA 帮助员工为退休做准备 defined contribution retirement plan. 新雇佣的全职员工在工作满一年后有资格获得每月的退休计划供款. 所有员工都可以随时将自己的资金存入TIAA的退休账户. 
    Employee Assistance Program
    威尼斯人app下载很自豪拥有影响解决方案员工援助 & Work/Life Program (EAP) available to employees. Impact Solutions为您提供保密支持, your spouse/partner, household members, 住在家里或离家的家属和父母 & 公公婆婆全天候、电话、面对面或远程健康咨询. Impact Solutions支持适用于所有情况,包括但不限于: stress, marital and family issues, parenting challenges, depression, anxiety, substance use, medical issues and other emotional concerns.
    Tickets at Work
    Tickets at Work 为大学威尼斯人app下载提供电影票独家优惠, theme parks, hotels, tours, Broadway and Vegas shows, and more!

Mount Union Resources

Mount Union的人力资源办公室为申请人和员工提供各种资源.